Foot and ankle pain is debilitating, but physical therapy and rehabilitation can reduce swelling, increase circulation, and help you get back on your feet. At Valley Rehabilitation of Sun City West in Sun City West, Arizona, experienced physical therapist Kimberly Hilditch, PT, MSPT, and the team use physical therapy to manage foot and ankle pain that comes from various conditions, including bunions, hammertoes, and plantar fasciitis. Call Valley Rehabilitation of Sun City West today to schedule a foot and ankle pain consultation, or book your visit online.
request an appointmentCan physical therapy minimize foot and ankle pain?
Yes. The Valley Rehabilitation of Sun City West team regularly accepts referrals from podiatrists and foot and ankle surgeons. Their years of training and expertise let them develop personalized physical therapy plans that relieve pain, enhance mobility, and improve the quality of life.
What types of foot and ankle pain can benefit from physical therapy?
The Valley Rehabilitation of Sun City West team uses physical therapy to treat several causes of foot and ankle pain, including:
- Arthritis
- Fractures (broken bones)
- Bone spurs
- Ankle sprains
- Turf toe
- Muscle strains
- Tendinitis
- Tendinosis
- Plantar fasciitis
- Morton’s neuroma
- Calluses
- Bunions
- Hammertoes
Physical therapy can even treat chronic conditions that affect the feet, like diabetes and gout. Stretches and strengthening exercises increase blood flow to the feet, reducing the risk of nerve damage and other severe complications.
What happens at a physical therapy evaluation for foot and ankle pain?
Your Valley Rehabilitation of Sun City West provider reviews your medical records and asks a series of questions about the pain, including when it started, if certain activities make it worse, and if it interferes with your job or hobbies.
Next, they complete a physical therapy evaluation. Your provider assesses your reflexes and muscle strength, feels your feet and ankles for tenderness and tissue quality, checks your range of motion, and observes how you walk.
They might also order diagnostic imaging, like X-rays or ultrasounds, to get a closer look at the bones, joints, and tissues in your feet.
Your provider then uses that information to develop a personalized physical therapy plan.
How does physical therapy treat foot and ankle pain?
The Valley Rehabilitation of Sun City West team treats foot and ankle pain using a conservative and noninvasive treatment approach. Depending on the location and severity of your symptoms, they might suggest:
- Therapeutic exercises
- Manual stretching
- Manual traction
- Myofascial release
- Trigger point release
- Deep soft tissue mobilization
- Muscle energy techniques
- Ultrasound therapy
- Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
- Mechanical traction
- Iontophoresis
- Laser Touch One™
Most people benefit from a combination of treatments. To achieve the best possible outcome, attend each of your checkups, follow your provider’s instructions, and don’t overdo it. Healing takes time, and it’s important not to rush the process.
To receive physical therapy for foot and ankle pain, call Valley Rehabilitation of Sun City West today to schedule an appointment, or book your visit online.